A rail journey around India, beginning & ending in Mumbai...

A rail journey around India, beginning & ending in Mumbai...

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Going down the highway...to Madurai.

           Down to Madurai today, train leaving Tiruchy at 5.00am but who wants to set a 4.15am alarm?
Blind man in dangerous bus yard seeking alms.
Decide to ride the Government bus later in the morning for the 3 hour, $1.75 fare, 150 km stage. With departures from the central bus station, just 200m from my hotel, every15 minutes, I was not surprised to find my bus, less than fully packed.
         The suspension, or lack thereof, under the bus rear wheels, either means that I will need the chiropractor, or have been cured forever of any back problems. India employs a lot of ‘sleeping policemen’--- bumps in the road aimed to moderate speeding and each time we hit one, going in and out of towns en route, half the passenger complement almost hit the ceiling of the bus!
              We made excellent time along the 2 lane dual carriage, neither passengers or driver seeming overly concerned when the occasional car came to us on the wrong side of the separated carriage way. On balance, I think that the train, especially if it is 2AC class, is a much more relaxing way to cover large distances. To complete a 20 hour bus stage must be gruelling, although the private Volvo buses, with reclining seats and toilets would be more comfortable.
          The bus ride during the morning was made in light rain and (pleasantly) much cooler weather than when the sun shines. I am told that when I ‘turn the corner’ of India, and commence my route northwards up the west coast, that the weather will again improve.
Beautiful saris in the market....
Locate the anticipated Moskva Hotel and despite its rather grim name, one of the best in which I have stayed---a cool fruit juice and fresh flowers delivered to my room no less. The manager, with whom I chatted upon arrival, explained that the owner, an Indian, had studied in Moscow during the 70’s and obviously harboured sentimental memories—perhaps of Natasha at Midnight!

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